Lean transformation of the Marketing processes at Statoil retail

   Our mission

  • Perform a full Lean pilot in the full end to end process of campaign production in one country and at EU level in order to identify and start implementing improvements
  • 22 weeks program including a diagnostic, design and implementation phase
  • Secure an improvement plan following the pilot in order to sustain the implementation of the required changes
  • Coach 2 navigators so they become autonomous lean experts at the end of the pilot

   End Results

  • Efficiency gains of +/- 20 % were reached in the pilot country.
  • The time required to produce a campaign was improved with 12 %
  • A new simplified campaign structure and team organization was defined
  • A new EU centralized dB on products and campaign sign was set up
  • Material Supplier’s contracts were centralized


  • Diagnostic

    - Survey customer response on products and campaigns (e.g. ifo channel used)

    - Waste / hindrance analysis of end to end process across all departments

    - Review of IT tools, meeting structures, performance follow, Roles and Responsibilities, Joint marketing revenue contracts, supplier relationships and network operations/feedback regarding campaign execution

  • Design

    - Redesign campaign hierarchy and structure including roles and responsibility at EU and country level

    - Remove waste / hindrance in interfaces between departments involved in the end to end process

    - Tender Agency/Print/ Distribution operations

    - Redesign campaigns signs management system / Optimize sign variation

    - Design standards for product and joint marketing revenue deals selection.

    - Redesign product supply process to the stations

  • Implementation

    - Implement new channel mix

    - Implement designed process improvements

    - Work out detailed step plan for reorganization

    - Work out detailed step plan for production and implementation of new tools

    Main challenges

  • The new owners had a very specific view on marketing that needed to be merged with the Lean way of thinking.
  • Many other projects were ongoing in all countries locally that had to be coordinated with this overall project
  • Near the end of the project a totally new team came in at the top – the project findings had to be adopted by the new team as well.